The Real Deal on Thought Leadership Measurement

By  /  October 15, 2024

How do you know you’re actually a thought leader? Measure it.

There’s certainly no shortage of companies anointing themselves as thought leaders. And it’s not hard to see why given the payoff: Upwards of $100 billion in annual corporate spending is driven by thought leadership, according to research included in by The ROI of Thought Leadership by Cindy Anderson and Anthony Marshall.

But what does being a thought leader actually mean? And more importantly, how do companies know their thought leadership efforts are actually working — and giving them an edge over their competitors? How can they measure thought leadership impact?

“It’s easy for C-level executives to assume that they’re thought leaders,” says James Meyers, SVP and managing director of content marketing at MX. “But is that really the perception of the people they want to reach?”

Looking to give brands a real-deal measurement system, the MX Thought Leadership Index® is built upon five core pillars of thought leadership:



What is it?

The credibility to inform and influence target audiences 

The company has a proven track record as a go-to resource. Its customers, its peers and even its competitors recognize the brand as an undisputed expert on the issues that matter most to its audience.

What’s the payoff?

These brands command respect. Customers don’t hesitate to turn to them as they search for solutions — which also helps with lead generation and bringing in new prospects.

What are some ways to measure it?

  • Brand authority
  • Keyword and SEO leadership
  • Domain authority
  • Content quality
  • Branded search volume
  • Social following and engagement
  • Proprietary research reports
  • Industry influence
  • Executive speaking engagements



What is it?

The ownership of credible, specialized knowledge that allows the organization to anticipate the audience’s future needs 

The company has a pulse on the market — always on the prowl for what’s next and then serving up valuable insights. It’s a known trailblazer with a powerhouse group of SMEs who aren’t afraid to buck conventional thinking. Its boundary-busting, future-focused POV resonates with target audiences while pushing them to look forward.

What’s the payoff?

These are the first movers. They drive industry trends, which leads to deep connections with their audience — and increased business growth.

What are some ways to measure it?

  • Search ranking by target topics
  • Industry citations
  • Audience engagement
  • Content quality
  • Keyword and SEO leadership
  • Innovation
  • Distinct POV
  • SME content contributions



What is it?

The ability to be seen clearly against the competitive landscape

The organization and its SMEs let their voices be heard. Whether it’s at a speaking engagement or with a provocative social post, they’re reaching out to new and old audiences with a bold vision that sets them apart from the pack. This is where expertise meets exposure.

What’s the payoff?

These brands stand out. They have a rep. They make a mark — and establish themselves as must-follow experts.

What are some ways to measure it?

  • Site visits and traffic
  • Content distribution and engagement
  • Social media mentions, connections and followers
  • Share of voice
  • Media citations
  • Executive speaking engagements
  • Awards



What is it?

The target audience’s confidence in the strength, validity and truth of a company’s thinking

People don’t just know this company — they believe in it. It’s a reliable partner that helps the target audience navigate challenges, iterate to meet changing demands and, ultimately, make better business decisions.

What’s the payoff?

Customers that trust a brand are more likely to listen to it, engage with it — and forge a lasting relationship with it.

What are some ways to measure it?

  • Website trustworthiness
  • Content engagement and sharing
  • Net Promoter Score
  • Customer feedback and reviews
  • Edelman Trust Barometer Score
  • Brand sentiment analysis



What is it?

The ability to connect with target audiences through content, separating the brand from its competitors 

The sure-fire way to solidify a rep as a thought leader? Content. But not just any content. True thought leaders go in with a strong POV, backed by solid research. The result is the kind of high-quality content that the world’s decision makers need — and the kind of content that sparks a conversation across formats and channels.

What’s the payoff?

Done right, omnichannel content has the power to sway minds and influence the influencers. That means greater brand value and business growth.

What are some ways to measure it?

  • Maturity of content strategy
  • Omnichannel presence
  • Content cadence and volume
  • Content quality
  • Credibility
  • Content organization and UX
  • SME contributions
  • Press citations
  • Keyword and SEO leadership
  • Backlinks
  • Content awards


Think you’re a thought leader? It’s time to put that to the test.

cyndee miller
Cyndee leads a wildly talented troop of content rock stars. Her mission is to help brands stand out from the pack by crafting a killer content strategy and then building storytelling into the DNA of everything we create, from long-form articles to social posts. (She is also a certifiable grammar geek, harboring an undying love of the em dash — and a simmering rage over the increasing use of semicolons and serial commas.)