Messaging Up: The 4 Cs of Pitching to the C-suite

By  /  April 18, 2017

With the right approach to “messaging up,” you can get your creative project past the next level.

You’re a senior marketing leader, and you’re ready to launch a big creative project. You’ve mapped out the need, approach, timeline and budget. The last hurdle to clear is CEO or board approval. It’s time to message up.

Messaging up is a distinct sales approach. Do it right and your audience not only believes in your idea but also feels empowered by it. Do it wrong and the work you have poured into a project is halted and dismissed.

To make sure you get it right, remember these four Cs for pitching to the C-suite.

1. Clarity

CEOs and board members are strapped for time. They depend on you to have researched, contemplated, analyzed and ultimately recommended the right solution for the issue at hand. That said, the biggest mistake people make when messaging up is overstuffing statistics and complicating the story. Approach your presentation with clarity. Ensure your story, down to each data point, is crafted to the needs of your audience. Remember, one or two on-target statistics beat 10 scattered stats.

2. Concise

A CEO has perfected the art of raw decision-making on the fly. To support this style, distill your full presentation into the top 10 percent of information you simply must share. For example, if you have a 40-slide PowerPoint, cut it at least in half, if not to only 10 slides. One day before the meeting, ensure that you are level-setting and prepared by sharing a brief of what you will present. Upon entering the room, outline what the next 30 to 60 minutes will look like for your audience. A concise plan allows your message to shine clearly.

3. Connection

Connect your idea to the overall brand objectives or direction of the company. Clearly demonstrate alignment and show how your concept supports the company’s goals broadly, but also the specific, nuanced goals of the individuals in the room. Listen and tailor throughout the presentation. If your CEO homes in on one area or key point in the presentation, go deep in that area and skip material that may not resonate as strongly. It’s all about listening in the moment and being willing to improvise.

4. Completion

What separates an idea from innovation is implementation. Show a clear path for completion of the project. Leaders are going to think about what resources are needed, what timelines are realistic and, ultimately, what results are going to come from a project or program. Step back and demonstrate how your creative concept will both meet logistical needs and, in the bigger sense, position your organization as a thought leader.

Last, do not be afraid to show your passion for the project. In any sales effort, genuine passion can invigorate the room.

Tony b­­egan his advertising and marketing career after serving as an active-duty United States Marine. During his enlistment, he gained leadership experience, a strong work ethic and a drive that has been foundational throughout his career. His experience includes work within B2B and B2C agencies across a range of clients from startups to Fortune 100s. Tony has a passion for leading teams and an innate ability to motivate people to succeed and work at their highest level. He currently serves as president of The Mx Group, setting the vision for the company and ensuring that all Mx staff have the support, authority and information needed to keep moving the organization forward. Tony believes that B2B marketing and advertising should always impact a client’s business in real and measurable ways, and The Mx Group exists to do just that.