
Content Marketing Hits and Misses for Healthtech Brands

We analyzed the content of top healthtech brands and found a wide spectrum of sophistication levels in the space.

From fitness tracking apps to on-demand workouts, there’s endless innovation at the intersection of wellness and technology. Healthtech companies have loyal audiences, and they’re uniquely positioned to build deep and lasting relationships with their customers. Given the volume of search traffic and high engagement in this space, there’s ample opportunity to create compelling content that drives business results.

We assessed the content and social marketing programs of 15 top healthtech brands and asked: Is it easy to find content that best reflects the company ethos? Is the content game strong enough to keep audiences coming back for more? While we know marketing budgets and resources aren’t equal across the board, a few best practices rose to the top across the competitive set. Here are key learnings from the leading content producers in this space.

1. Tap into your audiences for great content

Peloton, the home spin bike turned exercise empire, offers a great place to start. The savvy brand threads user generated content (UGC) throughout its web and social media, but Instagram is where users and instructors shine. There, teachers and students populate the feed with approachable, organic-looking content. The personal feel builds connections; after all, people trust other people over corporate communications. What better way to demonstrate the effectiveness of your healthtech brand’s products and services than by leveraging an audience of customers who have embraced them? Integrating a UGC program into your strategy will not only leverage the trustworthiness of others’ experiences and build credibility, but it will also humanize your brand.

2. Build community via Facebook Groups

It’s no secret that Facebook has pivoted its focus away from content that is meant to be consumed in isolation. Instead, the platform is all about community, and brands like Withings are leveraging the power of Groups and leading the charge. Creating a space where people can come together, especially in times when we are relying on technology to gather, will build brand affinity and help establish authority. Facebook Groups are brand-official and brand-moderated; however, the users lead the conversation and provide support to one another.

3. Ensure creative consistency

How your audience perceives your brand is directly connected to the creative you put out into the world. As The Drum reminds us, color and font can have a huge impact when used consistently and strategically. If your website has clean lines and a minimal aesthetic, then integrate this same aesthetic into each of the social channels so audiences recognize the brand at first glance. Our brand analysis found that Garmin does this well.

4. Create lasting partnerships

Don’t be afraid to go out there and make some friends. Take a look through Fitbit’s Instagram or Twitter and you can’t ignore its brand partnerships, fitness influencer collaborations and reach across multiple publications. Cross-pollination with others is vital to increasing brand exposure, breaking into new markets and adding extra value to products or services. And having someone else advocate for your brand means they’re putting their reputation on the line by supporting you.

With demand for healthtech content growing at an ever-increasing rate, it’s critical that brands cement their place as go-to thought leaders to stand out. Uncovering your brand’s potential will come down to the content and social strategies that are telling your unique story.