Imagination wins 8 EXCEL Awards, Including 5 Golds

June 16, 2021

In the 41st AM&P Network Association Council EXCEL Awards, Imagination won eight awards for excellence in content marketing. Winning entries are recognized for their excellence and leadership in association media, publishing, marketing and communication.

The five Golds, two Silvers and one Bronze were awarded for work completed by Imagination for the following clients: Project Management Institute (PMI), American Optometric Association (AOA) and American Association for Justice (AAJ).

GOLD Awards:

Magazines: General Excellence (10,001-20,000), PM Network, Project Management Institute

Magazines: Design Excellence (20,001-50,000), Focus, American Optometric Association

Magazines: Feature Article Design (20,001-50,000), Focus “The Team Unseen” American Optometric Association

Promotional Content: Best Social Media Feed “PM Social Media Program” Project Management Institute

Promotional Content: Integrated Mixed Media “PMI Future 50“Project Management Institute

SILVER Awards:

Magazines: Single Topic Issue (10,001-20,000), PM Network “The Climate Change Issue“Project Management Institute

Promotional Content: Integrated Mixed Media “PMI 2020 Most Influential Projects Campaign”Project Management Institute


Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives Campaign (Print), Trial Magazine “Hear Our Voices—Campaign to further diversity and inclusion” American Association for Justice