Thought Leadership Index®
Measure Your Thought Leadership Position.
Being seen by your audience as a go-to authority expands your reach, generates demand for your services and deepens your existing relationships.

The Thought Leadership Index is the first tool of its kind to effectively and critically calculate the drivers of thought leadership and an organization’s thought leadership position compared to its competitors. The index tracks five crucial datasets that analyze a customized range of 50–100 metrics, weighted according to your goal.
This proprietary index was developed in consultation with Northwestern University’s Medill Spiegel Research Center to validate the methodology and process for measuring thought leadership.
The Five Pillars of Thought Leadership:
The credibility to inform and influence your target audiences.
Confidence in the strength, validity and truth of your thinking.
Expertise and Foresight
Credible, specialized knowledge to anticipate your audiences’ future needs.
Being seen against the competitive landscape.
Content Leadership
Content that connects with your audience and separates you from the pack.
Our Thoughts on Thought Leadership:
“Thought leadership cannot be achieved without authority, trust and foresight...
“...It's the ability to lead and contribute to conversations by providing expertise, clarity and context to topics of common interest...
“A thought leader inspires and influences action in a measurable way.”